The Purpose of Anxiety
Yesterday was a difficult day for me. I learnt that I cannot save my daughter from anxiety. And when anxiety has crippled you throughout your life that is a very hard lesson to learn. She told me on the walk to school she had a pain like someone was squeezing her insides. She said she thought it was because she was worried. "Worried about what?" I asked her. She said something about being worried about hospital if the pain didn't get better. "Do you think the pain is because you are worried?" I ask and she nods. So we find a little shelter from the pouring rain and I tell her my technique. "When I am worried and my insides have pain like that, I stop, and I breathe out for as long as I can. Like this ..." I demonstrate and she copies until we are both exhaling loudly. She smiles a little. I ask her if she is ready to go into school. She nods. I tell her if she needs me to get the school to ring me. The school day goes by without a call but the ...