All She Needs ...

Having a child is the most selfish thing you can do. Raising a child is the most selfless. I thought a lot about becoming a parent. I had plenty of time to. I lost twins when I was 28, another baby at 29, and finally had my precious beautiful little girl when I was 31. I had medical intervention in 2011 in order to carry her. I spent a year thinking about whether I should or not. Thinking about why I wanted to be a mother so badly. My daughter likes to tell that story. She's the hero in it. The strongest baby who survived. Resilient even before she was born. When I was a child I was given pain to deal with but not the strategies to cope with pain. As a result, I still struggle to deal with difficult emotions. I have learnt as an adult that being sad is ok and it will pass. That it doesn't mean the world is ending. My daughter already knows that. And she is five. I firmly believe the most important part of my role as a parent is to build her resilience through love....